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Posted by Cathy - - 1 komentarze

Znikam na jakiś czas. Nie wiem, ile to potrwa - 2-3 dni, czy tygodnie, miesiące. Jest mi źle i kompletnie nie mam ochoty rozmawiać absolutnie z nikim, nie chcę zmuszać się do uśmiechu, do udawania, ze wszystko jest ok, bo nie jest...

"I close my eyes and hope that this is just another dream
Reality can't really be as bad as it seems
I hope for something better but I'm waiting for the worst
And when I open up my eyes I see the bubble burst
All my dreams are broken as the world is torn apart
Was it really meant to be this way right from the start
If this is all we live for then I wish that I was dead
Just so I could stop these thoughts from going through my head

One Response so far.

  1. lele pisze:

    ulozy sie :*

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